Can you flippin' well believe it? Made in the Shade celebrates its 2nd birthday on the 24th day of this marvellous month of May. Two years! We've been working hard to nurture, sustain and develop our 'lil DIY enterprise for TWO whole years! To pull out a favoured cliche, time really does fly when you're having fun/having some sort of stress related breakdown. Now, fret not - I'm not about to embark upon some 'tear tae a glass eye' schpiel about how far we've come etc., etc.. I'll save that particular reflection for near the date. For now, we just want to let y'all in on some of our birthday celebration plans and we'd like you to save a few dates in your diaries :)
If there's one thing we love at The Maisonette, it's a good party. Heavens, we'd throw a party every day given half the chance. Thankfully, as it happens, this month we don't need to conjure up flimsy excuses to invite y'all to partake in a little bit of fun and a little bit of japery. Japery. Is that a word? I like it. This time last year we were too busy laying plans and getting everything ready for the grand opening of The Maisonette to even
remember our Made in the Shade birthday - let alone celebrate it. So. This year we've decided to pull out all the stops and have a right ol' knees up - for a whole blinkin' month! :)
Of course, we'll be posting full info about our plans over the next few days, but for now... Get set to join in with these splendid 'lil shindigs!
Thursday 6th May - Friday 14th May 2010"Esendes' Life" by Hannah Aaron
The Tiny Gallery at The Maisonette, Glasgow
(Tuesday - Saturday: 10.30am - 6pm & Sunday: 12 noon - 5pm)
We are beamingly proud to welcome talented, teeny artist and creative gal Hannah Aaron to The Tiny Gallery as part of our month of May-de in the Shade birthday celebrations. Aged 6, Hannah is the youngest of our ever-growing regular Made in the Shade troupe. Daughter of mistress baker and clever crafter Auntie M (Michelle Aaron), Hannah makes her artistic debut when she shows her first collection of illustrations, 'Esendes' Life' at The Maisonette. Based around the life, home and exploits of 50s cat (literally) Esendes and her family and friends, this 'lil set of work oozes charm, humour and is an utter delight to behold! Don't miss this super-special short-run exhibit!
Thursday 7th May - forever!If you've been along to one of our shopping events, you will no doubt have come across our good friend Flora the Tombola. Our oh-so-pretty wooden barrel buddy has made it known to us that she's no longer content to just be rolled out for special occasions but that she would like to play a more central role in Maisonette life. From Thursday 6th May, Flora will be a fully-playable feature of our 'lil shop! For just £2 a play you stand to bag yourself some fabulous handmade gifts and thrifty finds worth between £3 - £60!!! Imagine that! Get your pocket money at the ready!
Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th May 2010The Lotte & Bloom Pop-Up Flower Shop
De Courcy's Arcade, Glasgow
(Saturday: 10.30am - 6pm & Sunday 12 noon - 5pm)

Fabulously stylish florist, Charlotte Lawson brings the very first pop-up flower shop to De Courcy's Arcade as part of our calendar of celebrations. Swing by and pick up a beautiful floral/vintage crockery arrangement or a pretty handmade posie! Spring really HAS sprung on Cresswell Lane!
Saturday 15th May 2010The Made in the Shade Springtime Jamboree
The Roxy Art House, Edinburgh
(10.30am - 5pm)

In this, our 2nd anniversay year, we're thrilled to be upping sticks for the weekend and taking our Made in the Shade shopping event to the capital for the first time! Over 30 indie designer makers will set up their displays of handmade wonders in the Main Hall at The Roxy amidst a flurry of fun event features and live music. Auntie M will be the hostess with the mostess at her very own mini Cake Lounge, Kansas country poppette Piney Gir will join us for a live music matinee, Flora the Tombola will grace us with her gaming presence and YHFphoto will be (re)constructing the fun of the MITS Photobooth! We are also thrilled to be joined by our chums at The Skinny AND The Dropped Stitches - London based knitting group made up of an excitable gaggle of indie design superstars! Entry to this event is just 1 measly pound. Of course, we'll be offering all early bird visitors a highly coveted MITS goody bag! :)
Sunday 16th May 2010The Piney Gir Matinee Show
De Courcy's Arcade, Glasgow
(2pm - 3pm)
We are beyond excited to announce that one of our very favourite musical acts, Piney Gir will not only be joining us at the Made in the Shade Springtime Jamboree but that she'll be performing a very special warm-up matinee show at De Courcy's Arcade ahead of her evening stint with her full band line-up at Brel (Ashton Lane) too! Wheep!
Pheweee! We have even MORE treats to unveil over the next few days including details of a very special vintage fashion & lifestyle party in collaboration with seamstress and designer extraordinaire Miss Lottie Lou, some special maker appearances at The Maisonette and of course - information about our 2nd BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! :) Keep your peepers peeled!
So many outfits to plan! We need a style sponsor!