Ok - so we've dropped the 'boogaloo' part and replaced it with a 'shindig'. Sounds better. We have 'boogaloo' earmarked for other things... but regardless of what we call it, hell! I do believe we have ourselves a veritable Festive Shopping dream scenario set up for y'all at The Maisonette this year!

How so?
Well... Picture it.
1. You don't have to engage with potentially (probably) infuriating city centre/highstreet/mall
episodes involving crowds, elbows and toe stomping.
2. You can avoid the ordeal of having your wee ears assaulted by poor, copyright free
"Christmas music".
3. You will not be met with blank (or hard) stares - as seen on sales assistants in Run Of
The Mill Chain Store Ltd - when you ask where your gift was made, what it was made from
and who by!
4. Your friends and loved ones will be thrilled to receive a thoughtful, handmade, limited gift
over a copy-cat, mass produced, high street design. Times are tough. Invest wisely!
5. We will feed you free treats and pink lemonade. What more do you need?!
Now. If that doesn't sound like a dream, then I don't know what goes on in your subconscience at night! Sounds pretty darn swell to me! On top of all that - remember that we have a lovely cafe downstairs - AND an ice-cream parlour. AND pubs. Perfect combo.
From Friday 20th November, we're welcoming groups of Guest Designers to The Maisonette for special 1 week showcases. That means - every weekend, you'll be able to peruse and buy the work of different makers. Nifty, huh? We'll be posting info about each of our guests on our blog/website/social networking sites in advance so y'all will know what's going on and what to expect - we'd hate for you to miss your favourite maker!

Come join us. Get gifting!